Thursday, June 26, 2014

Python 3.4 and Pillow 2.4 with JPEG2000 (openjpeg 2) support in Ubuntu 14.04

Pillow support for JPEG2000 comes from openjpeg 2 library. Unfortunatly, Ubuntu's libopenjpeg2 package is not version 2 of the openjpeg library, but actually version 1.3 which wont work with Pillow.

Installing Pillow 2.4 (pip install -I pillow) simply results in "OPENJPEG (JPEG2000) support not available".

Thus, it is needed to compile the openjpeg library 2.0 from source. For this, first lets download the openjpeg 2.0.1:wget

tar xzvf openjpeg-2.0.1.tar.gz
cd openjpeg-2.0.1/
cmake .
sudo make install

Please note that we install version of openjpeg 2.0, rather than newer 2.1. Pillow wont recognize openjpeg 2.1 either.

Assuming everything went fine, we can reinstall Pillow:pip install -I pillow
If openjpeg 2.0.1 was detected successfully, we should get the following info "OPENJPEG (JPEG2000) support available" among others.