FD=`cat $1 | sed -e 's/^[0-9.]*//g' -e 's/^\t//g' -e 's/^M$//g' \
| awk '{for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) s=s+$i}; END{print s/9/12}'`
echo $1 $FD
The script calculates avarage of values in a txt without values from the first column.
Example txt file:
0 2.7792 2.7876 2.8023 2.8248 2.8413 2.8551 2.8679 2.8593 2.8537
18.281 2.7619 2.7723 2.7864 2.7888 2.8105 2.8314 2.8697 2.8695 2.8615
26.719 2.749 2.7464 2.7622 2.7811 2.8145 2.8276 2.8359 2.8438 2.8482
45 2.7596 2.7601 2.7614 2.779 2.803 2.803 2.8207 2.8391 2.8374
63.281 2.778 2.7809 2.8013 2.8071 2.8408 2.8423 2.8478 2.8514 2.826
71.719 2.7871 2.7927 2.8171 2.819 2.8366 2.8581 2.876 2.8826 2.8648
90 2.8007 2.8038 2.8219 2.8371 2.851 2.8628 2.8683 2.879 2.8719
108.28 2.781 2.7835 2.7901 2.7982 2.8214 2.8314 2.8488 2.852 2.8416
116.72 2.7731 2.7749 2.7784 2.7852 2.8077 2.8155 2.8226 2.8274 2.832
135 2.7744 2.7826 2.7854 2.7998 2.8153 2.8154 2.8358 2.8627 2.8775
153.28 2.7866 2.8011 2.8079 2.8253 2.8517 2.862 2.8727 2.8728 2.8644
161.72 2.7906 2.8071 2.8278 2.8424 2.8674 2.8679 2.8709 2.8716 2.8635