The execution times of each test (27 tests for now) are normalized against times obtained using MATLAB (R2007a) on Intel Mac OS X 10.4.11 (Intel Core Duo
2GHz, 2GB RAM).
As a results the script generates txt file with the time values (normalized and not normalized) obtained for each test.
The evaluate overall performance of MATLAB/Octave geometric and arithmetic means of the individual time values obtained are used.
The header
function res = mybench(varargin)
% res = mybench('noOfRepeats', 3,...
% 'normalize',true,...
% 'onlyTests',[],...
% 'imagep',true)
% Benchmark script for MATLAB and Octave.
% Tested on Matlab 2009a and Octave 3.2.2 for Windows.
% Execution time of basic matrix manipulation function is tested along with
% integration, solving nonlinear equation, image processing functions ( if
% available), saving/loading matrices to a file system, for loop,
% binary operation,etc. In total 27
% tests are performed (less if image processing functions not available).
% All results are normalized against the results obtained
% using MATLAB (R2007a) on Intel Mac OS X 10.4.11 (Intel Core Duo
% 2GHz, 2GB RAM)
% At the end, arithmetic and geometric means of the times obtained are
% calculated. All results obtained are stored in a txt file named
% results_.txt.
% noOfRepeats - int - number of times each test is executed (default 3)
% normalize - boolean - normalize results (default true).
% onlyTests - int vector - do only tests given (default [], i.e. do all tests)
% imagep - boolean - do or not image processing testing
% res - struct - normalized geometric mean .
% res = mybench(); %perform all tests with default settings.
% res = mybench('noOfRepeats',10); %perform all tests 10 times.
% res = mybench('onlyTests',[1,5,8]); %perform only tests 1,5 and 8.
% res = mybench('noOfRepeats', 1,'normalize',false); % repeat 1 time
% %each tests and do not
% %normalize results.
% Site: http:\\
% Date: Nov 2009
The full code is here.
Example output from the script is as follows: